Well here we are again…. A few months later, Just on normal blog post schedule!
Things have been coming along well. Most of the recent work was in preparation for our housewarming party. Since then we’ve been taking some time off to enjoy the summer, dip in the pool, and have some free time to just relax. After all it’s was well needed. So whit that said there has been a little progress but nothing earth shattering.
First thing that every home needs is a grill. Especially in summer a grill is eagerly welcomed. Nothing like having friends over for some brats, burgers, shrimp, veggies, etc… The reviews online said take 6 hours out of your day to assemble! I was a little taken back by this but started regardless. Mearly an hour and a half later it was completed and ready to be used for the first time! woohoo my first actual grill!!!!!
Next item is a new skylight to replace the old one that is broken and leaks unless there is a piece of plastic covering it. Well this was suppose to be easy and fast….boy was I wrong! I spent weeks confirming details and trying to schedule a new roof shortly after. I triple checked all measurements, and confirmed with the company who was doing the ordering. Wanna guess what happened? Yup WRONG SIZE!!!! Not even close, and more importantly not even the right window to begin with! Although the company had the same measurements that I gave they sent me the incorrect size in the wrong window! So not only do I have this huge box sitting in my living room with the wrong skylight in it, But I’ve got no new roof. Sure the replacement is on order from the company but it’s been nearly another month to date! Soon, hopefully, It will arrive and then installed. It’s been raining record rains lately too! Fun fun!
Onward to the kitchen.
One thing that I wanted to do before the party was remove and replace the old, nasty carpet in the back room. Here are some photos of the room with the carpet before.
I removed everything in prep for new carpet. Again Craigslist to save the day! Found an installer that had a source for wholesale prices. After a background check and a meeting we were set to get new carpet installed! Everything came out wonderfully and looks fantastic! Finally I’m not afraid to sit on the floor!
Other than that it’s been preparation for the party. Here are a few of the highlights
Replace the outside window that was broken with one of the panes from inside. Eventually I’ll get a new window pane for the original and then add it back.
Replace the other outdoor light to match the one previously installed. The birdies in the old light finally grew up and flew off so it was time to replace the light.
Cleaning up the patio area with a pressure washer before the party. This was fun and went pretty easy. What a world of differance this made! It was long overdue and it cleaned up the patio area very nice!
Hanging Photos and artwork was needed…. I put Dawn and Claire on that duty.
Painting a curb stencil with the house numbers to match the newly installed numbers on the house!
Installing the new Solar pool cover and cutting it to fit. I also found a cheap reel on CL too to reel it up when it's not being used.
Thanks to everyone who attended our party! It was a blast and i hope you had fun. There were so many people that it was hard to talk with everyone. Other than that we've been relaxing and enjoying our new home. Having people over, cooking out, and swimming have been the main priorities. Below are some photos of just that. A few of the party and other people we've had over to enjoy our new home with us!
Thats all this time
I'm still following your progress, enviously, vicariously enjoying your house and all the improvements you've done. I'm glad you had a chance to enjoy that back yard after all your hard work, but I have to tell you that I almost mistook it for my daughter's: same shape pool, floating beer pong table, dog in the raft, World Cup game on the TV. (You kids! You're all alike!) Her house will never be the Usonian that yours is, but we hope that one day it will have a similar appeal. Congratulations on the progress.
Thanks for following... New post coming very soon! Funny to hear your daughter's party as a mirror image! I guess we are all alike huh?
Thanks for reading, Hope you find it somewhat interesting!
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